of one
Potential Investor List
We have identified 15 investors that have invested at least twice in the Municipal/Cities space or in the "Social Impact" space. Investor names, along with other requested details are presented in the attached spreadsheet.
To identify the investors, we began by consulting Crunchbase's database. Using the provided filters gave us a start, but not exactly what we needed. To go deeper, we used the databases provided by Signal and VCWiz. These databases let us focus on smaller companies and more specific parameters. We also used Angel List, Whale Wisdom and for additional information and paths of research.
We took the results from all the databases and combined them. Then, each company was analyzed by what they invested in. Companies that did not meet the criteria were removed. With the pared down list, we then located the funding round that each company invested in. For some companies there were no partner names provided. We believe this happened because we were working with much smaller companies where the information is not as easily accessed.
In the spreadsheet, we noted two relevant companies for each investor company. Some companies had several investments that might be of interest. They are included in the last column for each venture capital company.