of one
Please do a TAM calculation like the example attached. For the German market. GERMANY TAM for alternative newspaper.
Die Tageszeitung, the most prominent alternative publications in Germany, is owned by 12,000 readers and has a circulation of between 57,000 and 70,000. Die Taz showed up in nearly every list of German newspapers and was always the only one referred to as "alternative." Regional subscription newspapers in Germany have a readership of 28.16 million. Regional tabloids in Germany have a readership of about 1.77 million. Therefore, we estimate that the market size of alternative newspapers in Germany is between 100,000 and 1 million readers. Below you'll find an outline of our research methodology to better understand why information you've requested is publicly unavailable, as well as a deep dive into our findings.
By alternative newspapers, I understand you to mean newspapers that fall outside the traditional mainstream media. However, sources using this term often point to extreme or radical political news sources, so weeding out those results proved challenging. For instance, Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel is pledging to eradicate alternative media, which is blamed for purported 'fake news.' However, these alternative media are not what I understand you to be interested in.
In search of the data requested, I've searched for polls or surveys of Germans in relation to their media consumption habits, though most of these results did not break down the data to the level of granularity required to assess alternative newspapers.
I've also looked for specific alternative newspapers in Germany to find their readership or circulation information, hoping I could use this data to calculate a potential market size. One of the challenges in researching this topic, however, is that few newspapers are listed as "alternative" in the sources found. The World Press offers a list of German publications, but it provides only their political affiliation with no indication of whether they are considered alternative. A few of the newspapers listed at this Deutschland list may qualify as alternative, but the only one I've found with that specific reference is Die Tageszeitung, as noted below.
Another challenge was presented by the language barrier since much of the information regarding this topic is in German. However, I was able to determine the German words for "alternative newspaper" (alternative Zeitung) and "readership" (Leserschaft) and used these terms in my research.
A report by G+J i|MS looked at German media consumption. While alternative newspapers were not specifically called out as a category, regional papers were included. Since most alternative newspapers are likely regional in nature, as suggested by this sample of US alternative papers, the following regional figures are likely the closest statistics available. Regional subscription newspapers in Germany have a readership of 28.16 million, while regional tabloids have a readership of about 1.77 million.
Berlin-based Die Tageszeitung (Taz) is one of the more notable alternative papers in Germany. The paper is owned by a cooperative of around 12,000 readers and has a circulation of 57,000. Another source puts its circulation at 70,000. Die Taz showed up in nearly every list of German newspapers and was always the only one referred to as "alternative."
Newspapers remain the most popular source of news for Germans at 63% (78% according to one source), and they strongly prefer print papers (94%). Fully 70% of Germans over 14 years of age read a newspaper on a regular basis, spending about 30 minutes a day reading them. Most of the over 350 newspapers in Germany are regional.
In conclusion, while the TAM for alternative newspapers in Germany proved elusive, I was able to determine that the readership for regional subscription newspapers is 28.16 million, while regional tabloids have a readership of 1.77 million. Die Tageszeitung (Taz), arguably the best-known alternative paper in Germany, has a circulation between 57,000 and 70,000.