of one
Please provide a list of entities similar to MiSK ( My company has been approached by MiSK with a significant opportunity to expand to Saudi Arabia. While we pursue this opportunity, we'd like to know if there are other similar organizations out there. The most critical elements of similarity to MiSK are: 1) a high level of funding, in the hundreds of millions of dollars 2) a focus on providing job ready skills to a large population 3) a track record of bringing in international partners to help achieve the stated mission (e.g. MiSK has already partnered with Udacity)
A list of several foundations / entities relating to MiSK was compiled in order to understand if MiSK is a fit for expansion in Saudi Arabia. The focus of these foundations includes mass skill development and vocational training programs. To explore similarities, we looked for high levels of funding, a focus on providing job-ready skills to a population, and secured international partners to help achieve the mission.
While we were able to compile a list of foundations similar to MiSK, it should be noted that hundreds of millions of dollars are not spent by these foundations, including MiSK.
We compiled 11 different foundations that relate to MiSK. We included their location, mission, level of funding, recent partnerships, and key contacts.