Please compile a list of FirstEnergy Corporation's regulated gas distribution businesses/assets.

of one

Please compile a list of FirstEnergy Corporation's regulated gas distribution businesses/assets.

FirstEngergy's natural gas and oil distribution pipelines, delivery fleet, plants, and storage facilities are all assets of the regulated gas industry. Natural gas and oil is 5% of the fuel mix generated by FirstEnergy. Public utility commissions for each state regulate the rates and tariffs that FirstEnergy Corporation companies file to recover their costs of operation.


FirstEnergy is the largest investor-owned electric systems company serving a 65,000 square-mile area in the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic regions. There are ten electric utility operating companies (which include regulated gas services) for six million customers.

FirstEnergy's financial report for regulated assets has declined over the past four years for a total of $929. Million in the third quarter of 2017. Property, plant, and equipment assets were $29,498. Third quarter 2017. Materials and supplies were down to $543. Million in the same reporting period.

FirstEnergy has a diverse fleet of carbon-free nuclear, scrubbed coal, natural gas, hydro and other renewable fuels. There are nine natural gas, oil and hydro facilities. All of FirstEnergy’s transmission facilities operate as part of PJM Interconnection, LLC.

PJM Interconnection acts as a neutral, independent party, operating competitive wholesale electricity market. They manage high-voltage electricity grid to ensure reliability for more than 65 million people.

Gas & oil plants

The gas and oil power generating facilities located in Ohio, Virginia, and New Jersey. The Oakwood, Virginia facility is fueled by methane gas (delivered by pipeline) and sold by PJM Energy Market West region and surrounding markets. Oakwood has a capacity of 43 MW.
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The West Lorain Plant produces all power with natural gas. Natural gas arrives at the plant in a 30- inch-wide pipeline that is 10 miles long. The capacity of the plant is 545 MW. The last plant is the Forked River, New Jersey location with gas and oil generation with a capacity of 86 MW.

Companies and utilities

FirstEnergy's companies in Ohio are regulated by the Ohio Public Utilities Commission (PUCO):

The Pennsylvania companies are regulated by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PPUC):
Pennsylvania has the PPUC's Distribution System Improvement Charge (DISC) to recover infrastructure that is used to provide power to customers.

The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU) regulates Jersey Central Power and Light company.

West Virginia has the Public Service Commission of West Virginia (PSCWV), and Maryland has the Public Service Commission of Maryland (PSCMD)regulating two companies.

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) regulates interstate natural gas pipelines or liquefied natural gas terminals subject to the National EPA. They administer the FAST-41 Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act for federal permitting of projects $200 billion or more. Gas and oil regulation projects are more likely to be found in the public utilities outlined above.


Researching each states public utility commissions filings that regulate rates and tariffs filed to recover costs will uncover gas distribution assets. For FirstEnergy to obtain and maintain gas distribution assets, they are going to have to identify the assets that require rate hikes to the customer. These records are online and may be obtained by the public. Financial reports should be included with the filings, however; you may request more detail when necessary from the utility secretary of records.

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