Middle East Retail & Hospitality Outlets 3 - Saudi Arabia

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Middle East Retail & Hospitality Outlets 3 - Saudi Arabia

While there are 1,255 supermarkets in Saudi Arabia, there are 9,000 drugstores and 484 hospitals and clinics in the country. The estimated total number of retail stores in Saudi Arabia is 41,833.


  • The number of SuperMarkets in Saudi Arabia is 1,255.
  • The number of DrugStores in Saudi Arabia is 9,000.
  • The number of Hospitals/Clinics in Saudi Arabia is 484.

Research Strategy:

To identify the number of retail outlets in the grocery stores, specialty retailers, clothing stores, auto retailers, and home furnishing retailers in Saudi Arabia, we commenced our research by looking through media articles, news publications and press releases for the mentions of retail sectors. We scoured through sources such as Saudi Gazette, Gulf News, and Wamda.com among many others. This strategy helped us to identify the number of retail outlets for supermarkets, drug stores, and hospitals & clinics in Saudi Arabia. For the other sectors such as grocery stores, specialty retailers, clothing stores, auto retailers and home furnishing retailers, the articles and journals only discussed their growth in terms of revenue, market leaders and market shares. However, the number of outlets were not advised.
Next, we referred to market reports of grocery stores, specialty retailers, clothing stores, auto retailers, and home furnishing retailers in Saudi Arabia in sources such as Euromonitor and TechSciResearch. The overview of the contents only reflected the growth in terms of revenue and the market leaders in these sectors. The number of stores and other details was locked behind a paywall. Therefore, we could not identify the number of grocery stores, specialty retailers, clothing stores, auto retailers, and home furnishing retailers in Saudi Arabia using this means.
We then decided to triangulate an estimate for each retail category by identifying the total number of retail outlets in Saudi Arabia and then finding the market share of each sector. We used the following calculation to determine the total number of retail outlets in Saudi Arabia.

-Supermarkets account for 3% of the total number of retail outlets in Saudi Arabia
-Number of Supermarkets in Saudi Arabia: 1,255
-3% of the total number of retail outlets in Saudi Arabia = 1,255
-Total number of retail outlets in Saudi Arabia = (1,255*100)/3
-Total number of retail outlets in Saudi Arabia = 41,833
After determining the total number of retail outlets in Saudi Arabia, we then tried to find the percent of grocery stores, specialty retailers, clothing stores, auto retailers, and home furnishing retailers that account for the total number of retailers. We scoured through industry related articles, market researches, media publications, press releases, among others, but we could not locate the percentages market share of these retail categories. Hence, using triangulation to estimate the number for the missing groups was not possible.
Finally, we tried to use the number of listings for all sectors including grocery stores, specialty retailers, clothing stores, auto retailers and home furnishing retailers in online directories such as Expat.com and KSA Business Directory among others. Unfortunately, the number of listings in these directories was exceptionally low (ranging between 1 and 10) for the required sectors, and it was implied that the list was not comprehensive and was, therefore, not used to identify grocery stores, specialty retailers, clothing stores, auto retailers and home furnishing retailers in Saudi Arabia.
The reason for unavailability of information could be because the retail sector in Saudi Arabia is studied as an entire industry, and the bifurcations in terms of various categories are usually studied in terms of revenue and market leaders. Thus, there is no public available data on this or it may have been published in articles behind paywall. We have completed the information that was available to the attached spreadsheet and have marked those not found as N/A.

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