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What is the market size and growth rate of the global cosmetics market; and how is that broken up between men's cosmetics and women's cosmetics?
The global cosmetic market size is $246B with $19B coming from the men’s category and $227B from the women’s category. The growth rate of the global cosmetics market stands currently at 4%. For men’s cosmetics, the growth rate is 5.49% while for women’s cosmetics, the growth rate is 4%.
Based on the L'Oréal market report, the global cosmetics market size is $246B (€205B), with a growth rate of 4%. For men’s cosmetics, their share of the market is $19B with a calculated growth rate of 5.49%. Triangulating the women’s cosmetic market size based on the difference between global and men’s cosmetics data, the amount is calculated to be at $227B. The women’s cosmetics market is expected to grow at 4%. Some minor growth rate discrepancies between the global and the sub-category data can be attributed to the differences in report sources for these figures.
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Various global cosmetics reports show that the global cosmetic market size is $246B, with the men’s category having a share of $19B, while the remaining $227B is for the women’s category. Meanwhile, the global cosmetics market current growth is estimated to be at 4%. Roughly allocating this growth percent for each category, various reports show that for men’s cosmetics, the growth rate is 5.49% and for women’s cosmetics, the growth rate is 4%.