of one
Fresh Dragon Fruit Exporters
After an extensive search through credible sources, we were not able to provide a list of exporters of fresh dragon fruit in Nicaragua that exports the fruit to the US, specifically through air cargo shipment. However, the research team pulled together other relevant insights about companies in Nicaragua that exports dragon fruit and other dragon fruit products to the US by sea. We have presented them below, together with the details of the team's research strategies to find the required information.
Helpful Findings
Exporters of Fresh Dragon Fruit
- The company's official website can be accessed here.
- Phone Number: (505) 2535.3697
- Email Address:
- Shipment: Ships by sea
- Phone Number: 2276 1854
- Shipment: Ships by sea
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Exporter of dragon fruit products (dried dragon fruit or dragon fruit puree in smoothie pack)
- The company's official website can be accessed here.
- Phone Number: (505) 2535-3697
- Email Address:
- Shipment: Ships by sea
Research Strategy:
We were unable to find any exporters of fresh dragon fruit in Nicaragua that export the fruit to the US by air cargo shipment only. Below are the strategies we used to find this information.
We initially looked for precompiled information through the government database of Nicaragua such as Nicaragua's Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. We were hoping to find any information of growers, exporters or farmers of dragon fruit within the country. From there, we can check each company to verify if they export any dragon fruits in the US. But unfortunately, this yielded no helpful results. Most information found were overview of the dragon fruit market, the current export status of the country and no mentioned companies or growers of dragon fruits.
Secondly, we searched for paywalled market reports specific to the global market of dragon fruit as well as the specific market size of the dragon fruit in the US. We searched for the global market size of dragon fruits because we were hoping to find any mentioned global exporters of dragon fruits from Nicaragua. We also searched the market size of dragon fruits specific to the US only because we were hoping to find any partnership of Nicaraguan exporters and US importers of dragon fruits. But this yielded no helpful results. Most information found were productions of dragon fruits from countries such as Vietnam, India, etc. and major dragon fruit suppliers such as Vietnam, Thailand, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, etc.
Next, we searched for any database of exporters around the world. We also searched for any company listings that specialize in exporting or farming. We filtered our research specific to the country of Nicaragua and checked through Hoovers, Crunchbase, Panjiva, and Alibaba among others. This yielded some helpful information such as Burke Agro De Nicaragua S.A. and Transimport SA that both export fresh dragon fruits in the US. But upon checking each data, we were able to find that both exporters ships by sea shipment and not through air cargo shipment.
As our last resort, we tried to triangulate the request by searching for any growers of dragon fruits in Nicaragua. We can then check each information found if they export fresh dragon fruits to the US. But unfortunately, the information found were the same as our previous strategy such as Burke Agro De Nicaragua S.A. and Transimport SA. Other information we found were exporters of dragon fruit products such as Sol Organica Sociedad Anonima that exports dried dragon fruit or dragon fruit puree in smoothie pack.
To conclude, the only information that we were able to find were two exporters of fresh dragon fruit in Nicaragua that export the fruit to the US by sea namely Burke Agro De Nicaragua S.A. and Transimport SA. We have also included another exporter of dragon fruit products which is Sol Organica Sociedad Anonima that exports dried dragon fruit or dragon fruit puree in smoothie pack in the US and shared our findings above.