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Fertilizer Injector Market Size and Growth - Asia
Data on the size and growth of the fertilizer injector market in Asia and in Vietnam is not available as pre-compiled figures. This is because there are no reports that focus specifically on these regions, and because data in global reports is not available without purchase of the report. Several lines of inquiry were followed to triangulate these figures, however, due to the overall lack of data on this topic this was not possible. I was able to find some useful insights, such as that Asia is dominating the global fertilizer injector market, and this is being driven in particular by the Chinese and Indian markets. In addition, I found that the fertilizer market in Vietnam was estimated to be worth $1.74 billion in 2017.
In order to answer this question I first searched for reports on the fertilizer injector market, specific to Asia. I found that no such reports exist specific to this region. I then looked for reports specific to Vietnam, such as this one. However, data is unavailable unless the report is purchased. I then searched for a breakdown of data offered in global reports (such as these available from KTVN, Newsmaker, 24 Article and Markets Research). However, global reports do not release any useful data without purchase, although we can see in the description of what's offered in the report that regional breakdowns (including for Asia) are available. Next I searched for pre-compiled data on the market size and growth in online articles, news stories, or statistical databases (such as Statista). However, again this data was not available.
In light of the fact that there are no reports focusing on the Asian market specifically, and there are also no global reports that offer data without being purchased, I have looked for data in reports on slightly different industries that encompass the fertilizer injector segment. I looked through reports on the Asian fertilizer industry, but again only limited data was available without purchase.
After finding that pre-compiled data is not available I then tried to triangulate these figures. I searched for data on major players in the region of Asia or Vietnam, in order to calculate the revenue generated by the top companies. However, again this was not available.
Also, I searched for market sizing on segments of the fertilizer injector market in Asia, such as the size of the Venturi tube market. I found that there were no statistics referring to this specifically in Asia, however I found global reports on the market (such as this one, and this one). While these reports have details of the global breakdown (including Asia), they do not release data without purchase. I also looked through reports on drip irrigation systems, however none are available specifically for Asia. This global report does include regional breakdown, however statistics not available without purchase.
While I could not find a direct answer to your question, I was able to gather some information about this topic, which I think will be helpful for your project. To begin with, I found that "Asia accounts for almost 50.0% to 60.0% of the total world nutrient use and about 40.0% of the world’s crop land." This makes it a major consumer of fertilizer products. The main driving regions within Asia are China and India. The countries are the leading producers of fertilizer within the Asian region.
I found there was not much data available on trends in the Asian region. Globally we know that the growth of the market is expected to remain strong between 2018-2025. Asia Pacific is expected to dominate the global Fertilizer Injector market during the forecast period of 2017-2023, this is due to current excessive demand from the region.
I also found that the fertilizer market (which would include the fertilizer injector market) in Vietnam was estimated to be worth $1.74 billion in 2017. This market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.59% between 2017 and 2022. In Vietnam, agriculture is their most important economic sector, with more than 70% of Vietnam’s population dependent on it.
In addition to this, I found that the top players in the global fertilizer injector market are as follows: Agri-Inject, Agricontrol, Amiad, Amiad, Filtration Systems, Azud, EZ-Flo, Giunti spa, HORTIMAX, Idroterm Serre, Innovative Growers Equipment Inc, IRRIGAZIONE VENETA Srl, Irriline Technologies Corp., Irritec, MAHER ELECTRONICA, NETAFIM
RCM Srl, Senmatic A/S, Turf Feeding Systems, Inc. and Veda Farming Solutions, Inc.
I also found that the top players in the global Venturi tube market are as follows: BIF, Emerson, Tri Flo Tech, Fange & Fitting Company, Advanced Technocracy, Fairflow Ventilation, Fabri-tek Equipments and Trimurti Engineers.
In understanding what types of information are and are not publicly available on this topic, I’ve suggested a few other routes you may be interested in researching. For example, you may wish to know more about the global players who are identified above, you may want to know how they measure up against each other by pursuing a competitive landscape.
To sum up, I have found that data is not available to determine the size or growth of the fertilizer injector market in Asia, or in Vietnam. This is mostly because data available on the topic is withheld in industry reports that must be paid for. However, I was able to find that Asia is dominating the global fertilizer Injector market, and this is being driven in particular by the Chinese and Indian markets. The fertilizer market in Vietnam was estimated to be worth $1.74 billion in 2017. I have also found the top players in the global fertilizer injector market, as well as the top players in the global Venturi tube market.