Our research team has provided a competitive analysis of Wonder and Evalueserve's Rapid Insights. All research is backed by qualified sources except in the event of Wonder. In that case, we have provided the average pricing quote based on internal knowledge that is typically not available to the public. Our team has completed Rows 4-5, Columns D-J of the attached spreadsheet. KEY FINDINGS
Wonder is an online research company that pairs clients with analysts across all industry sectors. The company offers fast turnaround times, dedicated research assistance, a searchable knowledge library, and centralized billing options. The company employees over 6,000 analysts to enable massive scale for even the most sizable and challenging projects. The company was founded in 2012 and has a Marketplace-as-a-Service (MaaS) business model.
Evalueserve is a leading provider of specialist services and proprietary solutions, data management, analytics and research services to companies across all industry verticals. The team consists of 3,500 analysts that are committed to help partners and clients reach their goals. Rapid Insights are a solution offered by Evalueserve which provide "establish facts insightful conclusions using rapid research and analysis." The program uses automation tool kits and digital platforms, a comprehensive knowledge repository, data driven insights based on research augmented data analytics, and subject-matter expertise. We have provided a competitive analysis of Zursh and Tyson Heinz after thorough and exhaustive research on credible sources of information. Our research team has entered the requested information in rows 6-7, Columns D-J of the attached spreadsheet. Methodology
We commenced our research by scouring the company websites of Zursh and Tyson Heinz for their business description, value proposition, business model, and pricing model. For information on the year in which the company was founded, we also referred to CrunchBase and LinkedIn for the companies whose year of establishment was not directly mentioned on their website. For Tyson Heinz, the year of establishment was not explicitly given on the website. So, our research team decided to get creative by looking for the LinkedIn profile of one of the founders, Kirk Tyson who had fortunately stated the year the company was founded. For company description and value proposition, we referred to the literature on the website and carefully sieved through the content in order to arrive at the requested information. The information on the business model of Zursh was available on their website while that of Tyson Heinz had to be triangulated based on facts presented by the company on its website. Tyson Heinz stated that it serves more than 75 of the Fortune 100 and over half of all Fortune 500 companies. This was a clear indication that these companies "outsourced" their research activities to Tyson Heinz. Thus, we concluded that the business model of Tyson Heinz is "Outsourcing". Furthermore, we combed through the FAQ section of both the companies for information on pricing model. Lastly, for information on automation we relied on documents such as researcher guidelines and terms & conditions released by the companies themselves. Overview of findings
Tyson heinz
- Founded in 1980, Tyson Heinz advocates continuous monitoring instead of one-size-fits-all solutions.
- In addition to this, the company also promotes itself as the first CI (competitive intelligence) firm.
- Tyson Heinz prices its services on a project basis for clients without long-term retainer contracts.
Detailed presentation of our findings can be accessed from the accompanying spreadsheet.
We conducted research on GLG, Catalant, and AlphaSights to discern what value proposition, pricing models, and more each company brought to the table. Our full insights are included in the accompanying spreadsheet.
It is interesting to note that all three of the companies outsource their knowledge work to individual professionals or boutique consultancies. None of the companies make their fees or pricing available to the public. Additionally, while none of the three make any mention of automation in their research methods, AlphaSights recently stated that they are currently looking into the automation and innovation of key aspects of the company's offerings. Did this report spark your curiosity?
From Part 02
- "Founded Date
- " Zursh is simply the first marketplace for quality customized research.
- Zursh connects professionals with a network of researchers, academic professionals & research companies.
- For professionals, Zursh minimizes the cost, time & complexity of getting quality research."
- "Zursh is the first marketplace for customized, quality business research.
For professionals, Zursh minimizes time, cost and complexity of getting quality research."
- "Zursh Marketplace-As-A-Service (MaaS)
Zursh MaaS Enterprise Solutions gives in-house teams direct access to top research providers from the world's largest research marketplace. You can scale instantly to get high-quality research work that's 3x more affordable and 2x faster than working with traditional models."
- "Zursh can provide custom research solutions tailored to your specific research needs. Try out our open marketplace , or choose your enterprise plan. Whether it’s desk research, survey project or competitive intelligence, we have access to of thousands of selected research providers based in over 200 countries with access to hundreds of subscription data sources and primary research tools."
- "Zursh is a B2B research solution powered by AI and human researchers. We help professionals save time spent on research by allowing them to access business data in real time.
Our signature product Lee helps professionals find business data by crunching data sets from public sources, proprietary databases, research reports and client documents. Knowledge professionals can use Lee to findd business data from mainstream and alternative data sources. Instead of searching hundreds of internal and external data sources, users can ask Lee data questions via the chatbot interface and receive answers instantly. Users have also the option to switch to a human version of Lee to receive answers from human researchers. "
- "Overview
Zursh is a marketplace for quality business research, connecting professionals with a network of researchers, academic professionals and research companies.
For professionals, Zursh minimizes the cost, time and complexity of getting quality business research.
Zursh takes pride in helping clients find hard to find information leveraging the power of crowdsourcing with quality control service."
- "Our signature product Lee helps professionals find business data by crunching data sets from public sources, proprietary databases, research reports and client documents. Knowledge professionals can use Lee to find d business data from mainstream and alternative data sources. Instead of searching hundreds of internal and external data sources, users can ask Lee data questions via the chatbot interface and receive answers instantly. Users have also the option to switch to a human version of Lee to receive answers from human researchers. "
- "Zursh is the world's first enterprise marketplace for custom and syndicated research. Our mission is to level the playing field of quality research by making it accessible to every business professional."
- "Zursh is a start-up that offers an online marketplace for research."
- "In the early years, Tyson Heinz was one of the first three pioneering firms to specialize in the emerging field of competitive intelligence. Their full-time staff of 20+consultants, together with international teams (located in London, Frankfurt, Paris, Amsterdam, Geneva, Melbourne) and his Preferred Partners in 25 countries, were the first to prove that competitive intelligence tied to strategic planning and decision making would always yield competitive advantage for companies -- significant competitive advantage!
The Tyson Team has provided strategy consulting, intelligence research, analysis, seminars, and systems consulting to Fortune 500 and Global 1000 clients."
- "We reinvented fact based strategic and competitive research to provide actionable insights for our clients.
Our global consulting practice focuses exclusively on rigorous, custom-developed research on your competitors, markets, and customers.
We develop timely, reliable, relevant, and actionable insight and perspective for your strategic planning and decisions.
We also act as Perpetual Strategists (long-term and ongoing catalysts of change) in client planning efforts, coaching clients in their evolution from once-a-year planning exercises to continuous strategic management processes fueled by routine and systematic competitive intelligence.
- "For nearly 40 years, Tyson Heinz has been a leading provider of authentic, fact-based insights, and strategic and tactical research for over 75 of the Fortune 100 and more than half of all Fortune 500 companies. Today, we are one of the world’s top competitive intelligence research and consulting firms, with an extensive network of employees, member firms, and affiliates worldwide. "
- " As a trusted provider and partner to hundreds of clients, we utilize our extensive network of full-time employees, member firms and affiliates to deliver the most current and actionable intelligence, leading to better client planning and decision making.
For nearly 40 years, Tyson Heinz has been a leading global provider of authentic, fact-based insights for the world's top companies. Our unique strategic and tactical research approach focuses on the value of authentic human sources, rather than just published sources, for more accurate intelligence. "
- "Our Difference
World-renowned competitive intelligence firm
Renowned and Respected Industry Legacy
Unparalleled, Authentic and Ethical Research Capability
Quick Response
Dynamic Strategic Support
Extensive Industry and Business Expertise
Proven Track Record and Trusted by the World’s Top Companies
Single-Source Consulting Solution
Client Exclusivity"
- "Our Approach
Perspective over precision
Tyson Heinz principals are hands-on with each client. We believe that competitive research and intelligence drives strategy, and we work shoulder to shoulder with our clients to help them facilitate change in their companies. Our focus on perspective rather than precision helps clients streamline decision making activities and avoid “paralysis by analysis”."
- "Our Benefits
Worldwide network & client exclusivity
Facilitating client success through high-quality insights is paramount in our organization.
We have hundreds of clients worldwide, including more than 75 of the Fortune 100 and more than half of Fortune 500 corporations, proving that you are working with a firm that has a proven methodology and solid track record.
The professionals at Tyson Heinz are highly trained in all aspects of Competitive Intelligence and strategic analysis, contributing years of experience behind every assignment.
We have experience in a wide variety of industries.
We guarantee client market exclusivity. If we perform work for you, we do not work with your competitors. "
- "Our Promise
Authentic & Honest
We do not misrepresent who we are. We do not use false identities, companies or dubious practices, such as “pretexting”.
We do not place ourselves in positions with conflicting interests. We only work for one client at a time in any market segment. If we are working with your company, we are not working with your direct competitors. Period.
We keep our client’s confidence. We do not disclose the identity of our client unless given specific permission to do so. We provide you with honest analysis, informed perspective, and realistic recommendations.
We do not pursue information considered by sources to be proprietary, private, or secret. Pursuing such information is unethical.
We do not compromise the quality of information. We do not pay honoraria, or other incentives, that taint the information obtained with financial motivation. When appropriate, we protect the anonymity of sources to ensure candor.
- "How much do your services cost?
For clients without long-term retainer contracts, we price our services on a project basis. Our long experience in this field grants us the ability to accurately estimate the level of effort required to find the information for you, the optimal staffing level for the project, and the time it will take to complete."