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What business school classes are similar to the Stanford GSB course, "Touchy Feely" (Interpersonal Dynamics)
Based on the course listings of 20 business schools and specialized institutes, there are 20 soft-skills classes similar to Stanford's GSB "Touchy Feely" Interpersonal Dynamics Course. These classes deal with lessons on how to develop soft skills such as empathy, conflict resolution, emotional intelligence, self-awareness and other relevant personal traits.
Business schools such as the Yale School of Management, University of Michigan's Ross School of Business, Columbia Business School, MIT Sloan School of Management, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Business School, UCLA Anderson School of Management, The Chang School of Continuing Education, H. Wayne Huizenga College of Business & Entrepreneurship, McGill School of Continuing Studies, Berkeley Haas School of Business, NYU Stern, Tuck School of Business and the Questrom School of Business are all offering several courses that will help individuals and organizations develop their soft-skills.
There are also tailored soft-skills classes that are being offered by specialized skill development companies like Knowledge Management International, Dale Carnegie Training, InnerSpace, Deep Stream Leadership, New Horizons, Conflict Resolution Training and Coaching and Mediation Services, and MindKind Institute.
The business schools and companies above provide courses that aim to improve skills on emotional intelligence, empathy, social skills, authenticity, and other soft skills.
Like with the Stanford's GSB course, "Touchy Feely" Interpersonal Dynamics, several courses are about interpersonal and group dynamics, advanced communication skills, special leadership skills like empathetic management, tailored coaching, level-up social skills, conflict resolution, emotional intelligence and total personality improvement.
All the business schools, specialized institutions and courses above are summarized in the linked spreadsheet.
Stanford's GSB course, "Touchy Feely" Interpersonal Dynamics is similar to other courses being offerred by the 20 business schools and special institutions mentioned above. These courses focus on the improving the soft skills of an individual or organization in the areas of empathy, emotional intelligence, social and self-awareness, authenticity and other higher level skills.