What your peers are doing to get better at their jobs

As strategy and innovation execs, ex-consultants, and business leaders, we’re supposed to have all the answers.

Or at least the sources to tap or frameworks to leverage to get them.

But the refrain we’re hearing again and again lately?

“I wish it was easier for me to know how to be better at my work.”


• new technologies and platforms,
• helpful mental models and thought exercises, 
• or just the latest cross-industry inspiration and case studies, 

…there’s always more we can be adding to our toolboxes to level up our thinking and impact. 

Here are some of the most underrated but most-celebrated resources that data shows strategy and innovation leaders are eating up:


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Better Humans
Better Marketing
Collab Fund (by Morgan Housel)
Entrepreneur’s Handbook
Farnam Street
Hidden Path
Industry Dive
Leadership First
Lenny’s Newsletter
Level Up Coding
Medium’s Business Publication
Mind Cafe
Money Stuff
Not Boring
Personal Growth
Product Coalition
The Good Men Project
The Writing Cooperative
UX Collective
Honorable mention: subreddits like r/strategy, r/consulting, and r/MarketResearch are a treasure trove of insight, productive dialogue, and helpful resources


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Stay hungry, stay curious, and you’ll stay irreplaceable 💪!

PS. Curious what top thought leaders in your industry are saying, predicting, and doing about you, your competitors, and/or the industry? Kick off a quick roundup.