Certain decisions can make or break your success
We’re all just trying to drive growth – for our teams, our companies, and ourselves – by creating stronger strategies and making better decisions.
And there’s no arguing that better decisions come from better answers to better questions.

But even before the “better decisions” you need to make, there are decisions around “better questions” and “better answers” you have to make too, based on:
Constraints you face (budgets, timelines, bandwidth),
Stage of work you’re in (explore, ideate, refine, validate, prioritize, execute), and
Goals you’re trying to achieve (maximize options or reach, minimize risk or cost, etc.).
All of these dictate your priorities and the margin of error you’re comfortable working with.
The level of fidelity you need from the information you’re gathering will dictate everything about the best approach to take:
Not just HOW you’ll go about getting information and answers, but also WHAT type of answers you’re needing, and WHICH types of questions you have to ask to get them.
I mean, just look at this complex landscape of options:

So as you finalize plans for how to win next year and start anticipating the decisions you’ll need to make, the insights that will inform those decisions, and the questions that will get you those insights, we’re here to help you get a head start by breaking down all of this complexity.
Here's a quick overview of the different types of questions you should be leveraging, and when each type makes most sense (click to zoom!).

Which type of question do you typically ask at different stages of your work?
Is there value in trying a different type?
And if you’d rather not think about it, we’ve built our first-of-its-kind clarification engine to be able to handle ALL of these question types.
Up next: we’ll unpack the (often false) trade-offs you need to consider given the degree of confidence required for the insights you use to make decisions, and the different ways to get those insights.